What is HPL Sheet, and Why Use High-Pressure Laminate Sheets?

No discussion about the construction of furniture, flooring, and interior doors can be complete without mentioning HPL (High-pressure laminate).

HPL, or high-pressure laminate, is one of the most durable surfaces available today, featuring various notable properties, including chemical resistance, fire resistance, scratch resistance, and abrasion resistance. By soaking Kraft paper in phenolic resin and sandwiching it between printed décor papers, High-Pressure Laminate (HPL) sheets are made. You can find high-quality HPL products from a trustworthy HPL sheet manufacturer in India.

HPL looks beautiful and last for a long time. It also holds its quality standards for a longer duration than PVC laminates. Therefore, it is essentially better to choose HPL sheets over PVC laminates. If you are building a home and want it to have beautiful but durable flooring, doors, and furniture, ignoring HPL products would be a mistake. If you are still not convinced, then read ahead to learn about the various benefits of using a laminate HPL sheet.

Benefits of Using High-Pressure Laminate Products:

Fireproof and chemical proof: One of the best things about HP is that it is safe against fire and chemicals. You won't have to worry about the durability since it can withstand extremely low and high pressure with ease. It is the prime reason why high-pressure laminate in India is becoming very famous.

  • Waterproof:

Another benefit of using high-pressure laminate in India is water resistance properties. India faces monsoons, and the majority of the country experiences extreme humidity. Having a water resistance trait is great.

  • Protection against UV rays:

In India, sunrays and particularly UV rays, can cause lots of damage. However, the HPL sheet has anti UV properties. This means that even if the HPL sheet comes into direct contact with the sun, you can be assured that it will not have any impact on the quality and durability.

  • Low cost:

The HPL sheet solution proves to be more affordable than some other options like plywood. Especially in the long term, laminate HPL sheets are a much better option.

  • Available in many colors, patterns, and designs:

HPL sheets come in multiple colors, patterns, and designs, meaning they can meet the unique taste and preferences of the buyers. HPL sheets look awesome and give an attractive look to the house. 

  • Easy to maintain and scratch less:

Another major benefit of the HPL sheet is that it can be cleaned easily since it is waterproof. Moreover, it has anti-scratch properties, therefore. Wear and tear is minimal when you choose HPL sheets. In short, you won't have to scratch your head while maintaining HPL sheet products. 

Why Buy Alstone HPL sheets?

Alstone is a name that needs no introduction in the world of laminate HPL sheet products. It has more than 18 years of experience where it has gained a reputation of being a top-quality and trustworthy brand. You will always receive quality HPL sheets from them. Head to Alstone's website to check out the amazing HPL products at the most affordable rate. 


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